EAST BRUNSWICK — Summonses have been issued to a township woman who police said was breeding and hoarding more than 60 Shih Tzus in her Rues Lane home.Ellen Shih was cited for 63 counts of animal cruelty, 63 counts of failure to provide veterinary care, 58 counts of unlicensed dogs and 58 counts of no rabies inoculation. Police said Shih used to breed and sell the dogs, but the situation had become “unmanageable.”According to police, the dogs were found in poor condition, with flea infestation, flea dermatitis, contact dermatitis, conjunctivitis and other health conditions when the Helmetta Animal Control Service went to the home on Sept. 27 in response to complaints of possible animal hoarding. The dogs were removed and taken to the Helmetta Regional Animal Shelter, Main Street.After reports of the dogs’ removal surfaced in the local media, dozens were quickly adopted by new owners.Brandon Metz, an animal control officer for the Helmetta Animal Control Service, said that as of Oct. 9, only nine of the 63 dogs remained at the shelter. The majority of the remaining dogs are pregnant females, he said..." More
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