We also like to go to conferences outside our own discipline, including the science / communicator conference ScienceOnline. See my post from last January "Non-Librarian Conferences, #Scio12, and #AEJMC." Fellow librarian and conference-goer John Dupuis prompted my post with his post Science Online 2012: Library and librarian sessions. He's been an amazing collector of librarians at past ScienceOnline conferences ... and this year, I'm going to try to collect #scio13 librarians in this post. I'm sad that this year's list doesn't include John (or Joe or Christina or Bonnie), but I am glad to see so many of my librarian fellows will be represented!
From this list of amazing people going to #scio13, I've picked out librarians & library-types (in alphabetical order by last name, starting with me):
- Stephanie Brown, the University of North Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Librarian. Twitter: @CogSciLibrarian; Web: http://parklibrary.jomc.unc.edu/
- Hilary Davis, North Carolina State University Libraries, Associate Head, Collection Management. Web: http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/staff/hmdavis4/
- Kiyomi Deards, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Assistant Professor. Twitter: @KiyomiD; Web: http://libraryadventures.com
- Barrie Hayes, the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Bioinformatics and Translational Science Librarian
- Stephanie Holmgren, NIEHS, Library & Information Services
- Trevor Owens, The Library of Congress, Digital Archivist. Twitter: @tjowens; Web: http://trevorowens.org
- Rene Tanner, Arizona State University, Life Science Librarian. Twitter: @renetanner1; Web: http://lib.asu.edu
- K.T. Vaughan, the University of North Carolina Health Sciences Library, Librarian. Web:
'Tis the season ... to be excited about ScienceOnline!
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