~Sending an angel out in memory of 9-11~
I just watched a program on tv about a man who was in one of the towers when it collapsed, and he actually survived. The "9-11 Surfer" they called him because he kind of surfed a slab of concrete on the air flows all the way down. They had an engineer on the program trying to explain how he managed to live falling from one of the top floors down to the 7th floor, but I know the only real explanation is an angel guided him to safety, and for some reason it just wasn't his time. I'd love to talk to the man when he's 90 and see what he actually did with the rest of his life; to find out why it wasn't his time. I wonder if he'll make a big contribution to mankind or something. Who knows!
It was also interesting that this angel (pictured above) - which I just listed today- 9/11, came out in only about 3 strokes of the brush. It was so pure in fact that I only added a tint of color to her robe and wing. I usually go in and add flesh color to the face and hands and I would have added yellow for the flame, but I just couldn't mess with perfection. Just the way she is holding a candle it seems like she is looking to illuminate lost souls in the dark. Interesting.
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