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Here are a few full moon paintings I did last week. I really REALLY like this one. The colors themselves excite me, never mind the subject matter. (there's nothing like a full moon rising!)

As September is winding up, there isn't much more time left to watch the moon rise at the beach. Well, yes, I suppose you can in the winter, but it's so much more spectacular in the summer when you can take your shoes off and feel the sand beneath your feet, and the really take in the magnitude of the unlimited sky above you. It makes you feel expanded and so connected to ...God/ Spirit/ the Universe, whatever you want to call it.

Wow, I'm realizing that when I talk now it seems to always have a spiritual tone to it. My kids just 'accused' me of this the other day; my 17 year old says she just can't talk to me anymore without me getting all spiritual on her- and I can see it's true. It's just who I am now. I guess they could have accused me of worse....All I can say is, my life is awesome- more awesome then it's ever been. How can that be a bad thing? I'm just trying to share it with the ones I love.
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