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My deck. |
This is my little back yard sanctuary spot on the deck. I couldn't afford flowers this year but I brought out my house plants to air them out, and I'm enjoying their greenery. I even have a little tomato plant that someone was throwing out because it was bent over. Since I got it, it's un-kinked and grown twice the size! I doubt I'l get any tomatoes from it, but that's ok. I just can't see killing a live thing for no reason. Plants have feelings too. :)

So this week, I did a few projects. I put together a water planter, which I love. Anything with water, I love, the birds love, and the dragonflies love. There's a lot of love going on in my back yard.

And I also made the bird bath to the left out of 2 broken down lamps. I got the idea from someone on Facebook! See, it IS good for something other than wasting a LOT of my time. ;)

This Woodpecker was one of the first visitors to find my new spot. The day I did all of this it was about 90 degrees and humid as all get out. So the birds, Chipmunks, Squirrels, etc..all appreciated the added water. The birds all get excited when I'm running the hose in the back yard filling up their many bird baths. It's pretty fun to listen to and watch.

This is the pond that I got the water plants from. Can you see all the lilies?! I figured they could spare a plant or two. Actually the lilies that I got were just floating on the surface and had no roots. Someone had already ripped them up from the ground, so why not use them anyway? Sure they'll die soon, but at least I'll appreciate their beauty until then. I did however, dig up the purple plant, roots and all. I had my flip flops on and sunk in mud about 6" deep- almost losing them for good! Hopefully this beautiful plant will survive in my water garden for a good long time. Maybe I'll return it to the pond in the winter.
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