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This past week or so has been very crazy. In between the onslaught of maps to color (rush jobs no less), the special needs boy to take care of, my mom's dog to feed and let out 3 times a day while she was away, and babysitting for my sister, I did manage to squeeze in a few little paintings.
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While thumbing through my cat reference photo's I ran across two pictures of my old cats; Spidey and Thumper. Spidey is in the sink, a place where he frequented often, and Thumpy was licking himself in the sunlight. When I see certain photo's I just know immediately that I have to paint them. It's almost an uncontrollable urge. When that happens, I just jump right in with no hesitation, which always feels good. Even though I paint every day I still have my moments of hesitation and even fear sometimes- of just getting started on a new piece. So these two were a lot of fun to paint. I miss my boys, they were the best kitties ever! I had them before I had kids so they were my babies, and they were both sweet lovable cats who loved to be held and snuggled (unlike my current cat, Kiya who will NOT sit on your lap, and she'll whack you if you put your hands near her bed). I still love her though. :)
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